Oil Service Reset BMW Z8

BMW recommends the use of a reset tool.

Manual Reset

1. Turn off the ignition.
2. Press and hold the TRIP ODOMETER button in the instrument cluster and turn the ignition to Accessory.
3. Keep the button pressed for 5 seconds until OIL SERVICE RESET (RE) or INSPECTION RESET (RE) appears in the display. Then release the button.
4. Press and hold the button again for 5 seconds until RE or RESET flashes in the display. Then release the button.
5. With the display flashing
6. Turn the ignition off and start the engine to verify the indicator has been reset.


Service indicator system Seat Cordoba, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999

IN00, No service is required, standard display.

OEL, When 7500 miles has been reached before the yearly service is required.

IN01, Indicates time for the yearly service inc oil change.

IN02, Indicates it is time for the Major service. T


1) turn on ignition (do not start).

2) Press the trip reset button button on the speedo (the trip value will not reset to zero but will reappear when the procedure is finished).

3) Turn off the ignition and thne release the trip reset button. In the LCD display you will see the word OEL. Using the minute set button for the clock (lower one) you will reset the OEL interval counter. Press it, hold, release, 5 horizontal lines will appear in the display.

4) press and release the trip reset button. In the LCD display you will see IN01 repeat step 3 to reset the inspection counter when required.

5) Again press the trip reset and rest the IN02 counter if necessary. If doing an oil change only reset the OEL counter. If doing an inspection service reset both the OEL and IN01 counters. If doing a full service reset all 3, OEL, IN01 and ,IN02.

6) Turn on ignition (do not start the car).

7) After the appearance of the IN00 display turn off the ignition.

8) You are done the trip counter should read as it did before you started.


With todays higher spec oils and/or peoples need and desire to service more regular there is a way to alter the counters to your prefered settings (within reason).

1) Turn on ignition (dont start the car).

2) press the trip reset button also press the Minute set button on the clock (lower one).

3) The LCD display OEL 1,S where the S indicates SET.

4) Using the trip reset button you can call up the following counter data in sequence.

OEL 1,S Distance counter for oil change (7500 standard).

OEL 2,S Time counter for oil change (12 months).

IN 01,S Time counter for yearly service interval (12 months).

IN 02,S Distance counter for full service (15000 miles).

5) Using the minute SET button on the clock (lower one) you can display the current value repeated pressing of the button will select a subsequent lower value and at the lowest level will reset to the highest and start to decrease again (so dont panic). the steps work in miles (500 at a time) and time steps in bi-monthly (1, 2months) i.e.1,2,3,4,5,6.

6) Once you have set the counter to the value you require turn off the ignition.

7) Job done

Reset Service Indicator of BMW 3 E46 Chassis

Turn key switch ON or when start engine, the instrument panel will display “OIL Service” or“INSPECTION” and left distance for several seconds. If “Service” or“ INSPECTION” are lit all the time and the left distance is next to “0”? it indicates that it needs oil service reset.

Reset by manual :
1. Press RESET button in the left of instrument panel.
2. Turn key ON and to ACC position.
3. Waiting for the instrument displays “OIL Service” or “INSPECTION” is flashed.
4 Release RESET button, then press five seconds, the screen will display RESR or RE is flashed. Release RESET button again and press again till the screen displays “25000km”. Now reset is completed.

When you find there is “-“symbol in front of the left distance number in the screen, and you can’t do reset with the above method, now you can use X-431 to reset oil service.

Service oil reset Mitsubishi Lancer

The “—” display can be reset while the ignition switch is “OFF”. When the display is reset, the time until the next periodic inspection is displayed and “PERIODIC INSPECTION” is no longer displayed when the ignition is switched from “OFF” to “ON”.
Lightly press the multi-information meter switch until the information screen switches to service reminder display screen.
Press and hold the multi-information meter switch for about 2 seconds or more to display the (wrench icon) and make it flash.
Lightly press the multi-information meter switch while the icon is flashing to change the display from “—” to “CLEAR”. After this, the time until the next periodic inspection will be displayed.
Start the engine to verify the indicator has been reset.

Service oil reset Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution

The “—” display can be reset while the ignition switch is “OFF”. When the display is reset, the time until the next periodic inspection is displayed and “PERIODIC INSPECTION” is no longer displayed when the ignition is switched from “OFF” to “ON”.
Lightly press the multi-information meter switch until the information screen switches to service reminder display screen.
Press and hold the multi-information meter switch for about 2 seconds or more to display the (wrench icon) and make it flash.
Lightly press the multi-information meter switch while the icon is flashing to change the display from “—” to “CLEAR”. After this, the time until the next periodic inspection will be displayed.
Start the engine to verify the indicator has been reset.